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Think you may be pregnant?
Wondering what your options are? We’re here for you.

Did you just find out you're expecting but unsure what that means for you? We're here for you. We can help provide you with all your options and be the support you need through the process. You're not alone, and we can help.

Services We Offer

This Is Your Moment


You can take a pregnancy test anytime you believe you might be pregnant. However, for the most accurate results, it's usually recommended you wait until you miss your first period. This provides the time needed for the pregnancy hormone to build up and be detected. If you suspect you are pregnant, we welcome you to take one of our free and reliable pregnancy tests, and we can discuss if a retest is needed at a later date.

Ultrasounds help equip you information on all your options by providing more information about the pregnancy. This imaging also helps protect your health and safety by ensuring a possible life-threatening pregnancy complication isn't present.

All appointments and services are no cost, and scheduling is flexible. Caring for you is our top priority, and we want you to focus on your wellness and making a decision you can feel comfortable and confident in. That's why there is no charge, and insurance is not needed.
