We understand the need to obtain reliable results. You need to be able to move forward confidently and plan your next steps. Sometimes home pregnancy tests can leave women wondering if they received an accurate result. That’s why we offer pregnancy testing that’s highly accurate and reliable.
How Does Testing Work?
Our team of warm professionals will help walk you through the testing process and gather some of your health history, such as the first day of your last period. This can help us understand if the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG for short), has had enough time to build and be detected by pregnancy tests.
Our tests will measure hCG, which is exclusive to pregnancy, through a urine sample. This test is rapid, so you will receive the results during your appointment.
How Should I Prepare?
You will need to give us a urine sample. There is no need to prepare; we ask you to sip some water before your appointment. We can also provide you with water before the test, so if you prefer to hydrate in the office, you can.
Overhydrating is not recommended as it can dilute the urine sample. So, just your regular intake is satisfactory.
How Much Does Testing Cost?
Pregnancy testing is a complimentary service we provide at no cost to you, and no copay will be expected.
Do I Need Insurance?
You don’t need any insurance, and you won’t need to show proof. Our services are not billed through insurance and are entirely free.
Are My Results Confidential?
We take protecting your private information seriously. All appointments, services, and results are completely confidential and will remain that way. If you wish to share any of your protected information, we leave it up to you to decide who you feel comfortable sharing it with.
We welcome you to make an appointment today and get the answers you deserve.