Ultrasounds are the primary way healthcare providers can monitor pregnancies.
A limited obstetric ultrasound scan can provide images of internal structures to show the location of the pregnancy, whether or not the embryo or fetus has a heartbeat, and, based on measurements, how far along in the pregnancy you are.
How exactly does an ultrasound work? Keep reading to learn more, and schedule a no-cost appointment by contacting Willowbrook Women’s Center today.
Breaking Down an Ultrasound Scan
Ultrasound machines feature a screen and a handheld device called a transducer.
During an ultrasound, a sonographer or nurse will slide the transducer either over a pregnant woman’s abdomen or insert a probe into the vagina. Then, the transducer will send sound waves into the body and collect the echoes that bounce back. This information forms a picture to show the inside of the uterus.
What Will I See on an Ultrasound Screen?
You will likely see an embryo or fetus at a specific development stage based on how many weeks you are into your pregnancy. By around six weeks, the ultrasound should be able to detect a heartbeat. It can look like two parallel lines flickering.
The sonographer will also be able to see if the embryo or fetus is located within the uterus or outside (ectopic pregnancy) and take measurements to determine the gestational age (how many weeks pregnant) and the estimated due date if you carry to term.
As your pregnancy progresses, you will be able to see more. Most women will have at least two ultrasounds during pregnancy. The first ultrasound will confirm basic details, while the second one, the anatomy scan, happens around 20 weeks to check on the fetus’ development.
Why Do I Need an Ultrasound Scan?
No matter what pregnancy option you’re considering, an ultrasound provides critical pregnancy details that safeguard your health.
Limited first-trimester ultrasounds will tell you how far along you are, determine the location of your pregnancy, and screen for the presence of a heartbeat. These basic details will help clarify your next steps.
We offer limited ultrasounds at Willowbrook Women’s Center to identify these essential details. If anything looks out of the ordinary, we will refer you to an emergency room or healthcare provider for further assessment.
Schedule a No-Cost, Confidential Ultrasound
Willowbrook Women’s Center provides help and no-cost services to women facing unplanned pregnancies in St. Joseph and Cameron, Missouri.
Confirm your pregnancy with a no-cost pregnancy test and limited ultrasound. We will review your results together and provide resources and information to help you consider your next steps. Schedule a no-cost appointment today.