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Earlier, we discussed the potential mental health consequences that abortion might cause. Now, let’s look at the physical side effects and possible risks. Every woman’s abortion experience is unique, but all abortions involve some bleeding and cramping.

Knowing how much bleeding and pain is too much is vital. Your pain tolerance, the type of procedure, and how far along you are determine how much. Experts recommend having access to your abortion provider or emergency care in case anything goes wrong.

What Are the Various Abortion Procedures?

There are two types of abortion: surgical and medical. Abortion providers perform surgical procedures in a hospital or clinic. Depending on how far along you are, they may use a combination of suction, scraping tools, or even forceps to remove larger parts of the pregnancy.

Medical abortions use drugs to terminate a pregnancy. The abortion pill method is a medical abortion because it uses two powerful drugs to end and expel a pregnancy. Both surgical and medical abortions involve bleeding and cramping.

What Are the Physical Effects of a Surgical Abortion?

How far along you are in your pregnancy determines which surgical procedures you can access.

Possible Side Effects and Risks

The side effects of a dilation & curettage abortion can include mild cramping and spotting or light bleeding. These side effects can last a few days.

The Mayo Clinic lists these possible risks:

  • Perforation of the uterus
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall
  • Infection

What Are the Physical Effects of the Abortion Pill Method?

The FDA approves the use of abortion drugs through 10 weeks of gestation (how far along you are in your pregnancy) only. The drugs are less effective the farther along you are.

Possible Side Effects

The FDA lists the following potential side effects:

  • Cramping
  • Bleeding
  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Fever and chills
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness

Possible Risks

Both the Mayo Clinic and the FDA mention the following potential risks:

  • Prolonged heavy bleeding may indicate an incomplete abortion. Heavy bleeding is soaking two or more pads an hour for over two hours.
  • Severe abdominal or back pain
  • A fever lasting more than 24 hours
  • Feeling very weak to the point of passing out
  • An incomplete abortion

What If I Don’t Know What to Do?

Having an abortion is a big decision with potential physical and mental complications. Get the facts about your pregnancy before you decide.

At Willowbrook Women’s Center, we provide no-cost confidential pregnancy services like pregnancy testing, ultrasound exams, and STD testing. Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we do provide in-depth, factual information about abortion procedures, possible side effects, and the potential physical and mental risks.

To make a confident next step, take advantage of our no-cost services. We offer two convenient locations to serve you. Contact us to set up your no-cost pre-abortion screening. We’re here for you.

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