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Having an abortion can be an emotionally and physically difficult experience. We understand why you may not want to go through it again. You do have other options, which include placing your child for adoption or choosing to parent. Let’s take a closer look at both.

Making an Adoption Plan

Placing a child for adoption is never an easy decision. It shouldn’t be. Like abortion, you experience sadness and loss. But unlike abortion, adoption gives you a chance to get to know your child as they grow.

Today’s adoption planning is very different from a few decades ago. Now, expectant mothers can choose the adoptive family who will raise their child. You make a plan for their future. You determine if they’re raised in the city or on a farm. You decide whether they’re the oldest child or have siblings. You are in the driver’s seat.

Choose an adoption coordinator who puts your child’s future and yours as the first priority. They should offer comprehensive counseling now and well past the finalization of the adoption.

The expectant mother also decides how much contact she wants with the adoptive family. She can choose an open, semi-open, or closed adoption, depending on what’s important to her.

We cannot place your child for adoption at Willowbrook Women’s Center, but we can offer referrals to a licensed, reputable adoption agency near us.

Choosing to Parent

You may have thought you could not parent your child, but you’d be surprised at the number of available resources. You need a community to assist you, and we’re here to provide that support. We can figure it out together.

Missouri offers a wide variety of services for single mothers and struggling families. Willowbrook Women’s Center also works with many professionals in our area who may be able to assist you in the following:

  • Housing or housing assistance
  • Assistance with utilities
  • Free medical and dental care
  • Food
  • Education
  • Job searches

Parenting is challenging, but you can be a successful parent if you have the determination and the will to do it.

How Can Willowbrook Women’s Center Help Me?

Schedule a confidential, no-cost appointment with a caring Willowbrook team member. We can confirm your pregnancy with a no-cost pregnancy test followed by an ultrasound if the pregnancy test is positive. After pregnancy confirmation, we can look at your support system and resources that are available in your community.

You are never alone when the Willowbrook Women’s Center team is beside you. Let us help you determine the best future for you and your child. Contact Willowbrook today.

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