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Shock. The universal feeling as you look at your positive pregnancy test when you never expected to be pregnant. This is the time to be intentional about taking good care of yourself during this confusing time. It may help to begin with following our advice for coping with an unplanned pregnancy.

Our Advice for Coping With an Unplanned Pregnancy

Every day, we help women just like you cope with their unplanned pregnancies. Following are four pieces of helpful advice we’ve created after talking with hundreds of women in your shoes.

1. Slow down and take one step at a time.

It’s common for panic to set in when you discover you’re pregnant and you didn’t plan on it. Take a deep breath to help slow down your racing thoughts. Focus on your next step today rather than imagine anxious scenarios down the road that may never happen.

It’s also critical to resist the temptation to rush forward while you’re feeling shocked or panicky to avoid making an emotionally charged pregnancy decision.

2. Confide in someone you trust.

Some women want to hide what they are going through, but in most cases, it’s easier to cope with an unplanned pregnancy when you have the support of at least one person you can trust will have your best interest at heart. It could be your partner, your best friend, your mom — anyone who has a solid track record of validating your feelings and empowering you rather than dictating decisions for you.

3. Get your pregnancy confirmed.

You might be tempted to begin thinking about what to do about your unexpected pregnancy from the moment you see the positive pregnancy test. But a critical step before doing that is to get your pregnancy confirmed with your healthcare professional or local pregnancy clinic.

Since up to 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, confirming your pregnancy lets you know if your pregnancy is viable or not. If you do have a viable pregnancy, you will also learn how far along you are, which impacts the pregnancy options that are available to you.

4. Learn about your pregnancy options with an unbiased healthcare professional.

As much as your friends and family love you, they may be biased about your decision, which means they have opinions that serve themselves rather than you. For this reason, it’s essential to review all your available options with an experienced advocate who can inform you of all the facts you need about each option you have available to you for an unplanned pregnancy.

An unbiased healthcare advocate will provide you with accurate information and answer your parenting, adoption, and abortion questions. They can also connect you with valuable community resources that you may not have known existed. Advocates are experts in helping you find the support you need.

It can be helpful to have your support person with you when you learn about your pregnancy options, so ask the clinic if their COVID-19 protocols allow it. If not, ask about having your support person with your virtually.

If you are struggling with deciding what to do after learning about your options, you can inquire about returning for another appointment to discuss your feelings. You can also ask for a referral to a mental health professional to help you decide.

Willowbrook Is Here To Help You

Reach out to Willowbrook Women’s Center today for practical help in coping with an unplanned pregnancy. Contact us for a confidential appointment to receive no-cost pregnancy services from caring licensed healthcare professionals.

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