There is no doubt that when an unplanned pregnancy occurs, shock and panic can set in, sometimes leading to hastily-made decisions. At Willowbrook Women’s Center, we understand that there are a lot of choices ahead, and planning for your future with confidence is top of mind. Many times, sorting through your thoughts, options, and tasks ahead can become overwhelming, especially when receiving pressure from peers and loved ones. Before letting the anxiety set in, consider all of the options available to you when facing an unexpected pregnancy.
Slow Down
Instead, sit down somewhere comfortable and away from anyone causing you stress and just breathe. Use whatever calming techniques work for you—maybe closing your eyes and listening to classical music, reading a book or losing yourself in a game on your phone for a few minutes.
It’s ok to take time for yourself right now. There is a lot going on and there are some things you need to decide once the anxiety has died down. Gaining a measure of peace and calm, and taking your time to explore all options open to you, will help you be sure in the decisions you make.
The First Step
Before jumping to the main question right off the bat, Willowbrook Women’s Center wants to help you take a closer look at where you are right at this moment.
For instance, have you taken a medical-grade pregnancy test so you know the result is accurate? Test results can be wrong, both negative and positive, if instructions haven’t been properly followed. We will provide you with a free test so you can be certain.
Did you know it’s possible to have a positive pregnancy test but not have a viable pregnancy? In other words, your home test may read positive, but your pregnancy may not be progressing (have a heartbeat). This is why it’s important to get a lab-quality pregnancy test. Our pregnancy tests are administered and read by our licensed medical staff, and you’ll know the results of your test within minutes. Once you have your results, you will know whether you need to continue exploring options for your unexpected pregnancy. If you’re feeling anxious about a home test, it’s worth your time to get a second opinion. We are a safe and confidential place for you to take a lab-quality pregnancy test at no cost to you!
When there is a positive test result, the next step is an ultrasound to verify if the pregnancy is viable. If it is confirmed viable, then you may want to be tested for an STD/STI if you haven’t yet decided which route to take.
The reason for STD/STI testing is should you decide an abortion is right for you, and you have an undiagnosed STD or STI, you will risk getting pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause harm to your body and places you at risk for future infertility.
What Are My Options
Often when an unplanned pregnancy occurs, the first option women think of is an abortion. There are several different abortion options, depending on how far along your pregnancy is. You may also find it helpful to look at all unexpected pregnancy options before making your final decision.