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I’ve Already Had an Abortion and Don’t Want Another One. What Are My Options?

Having an abortion can be an emotionally and physically difficult experience. We understand why you may not want to go through it again. You do have other options, which include placing your child for adoption or choosing to parent. Let’s take a closer look at both. Making an Adoption Plan Placing a child for adoption

What Are My Second-Trimester Pregnancy Options?

A woman’s second trimester begins at 13 weeks. By now, hopefully, the symptoms of early pregnancy, like nausea and fatigue, have left. Many women report feeling better during their second trimester. The Mayo Clinic provides excellent information about what’s happening week by week. At this point, you still have three options for your pregnancy: abortion,


Your health, your choice. That’s why we believe in giving you all your options with all the facts. You deserve quality care, compassionate support, and information that isn’t limited.

What Options Do I Have for My Pregnancy in and Near Cameron, Missouri?

You didn’t plan to be pregnant. And now you feel like you’re facing the most daunting decisions you have ever had to cope with. At Willowbrook Women’s Center, we understand the feelings of shock and disbelief when you’re looking at your positive home pregnancy test, and you weren’t expecting to be pregnant. Your thoughts are

Options for an Unexpected Pregnancy

If you are looking at options for an unexpected pregnancy, chances are good you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the information flooding at you thanks to one small Google search. How do you know what to believe? Who to believe? Before you give in to tears, contact us at Willowbrook Women’s Center. We are here to help

Pregnancy Options: Making an Educated Decision

Some decisions sure are easier than others. On the other hand, making an educated pregnancy decision when you have an unplanned pregnancy is a lot harder, certainly more emotional, and will be a pivotal moment in your life, no matter which path you choose. So, how do you do it? How do you choose which

Unexpected Pregnancy Options in St. Joseph, MO

There is no doubt that when an unplanned pregnancy occurs, shock and panic can set in, sometimes leading to hastily-made decisions. At Willowbrook Women’s Center, we understand that there are a lot of choices ahead, and planning for your future with confidence is top of mind. Many times, sorting through your thoughts, options, and tasks

What Can Guys Do About an Unplanned Pregnancy?

Receiving the news that your partner is unexpectedly pregnant can hit you like a ton of bricks. You may feel the pressure of responsibility, anxiety about the future, or concern for your partner. The most important thing to remember is that your partner is likely feeling all this as well, so your biggest job is

I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

You have three options for your unplanned pregnancy: abortion, making an adoption plan, and parenting. If you do not wish to carry your pregnancy to full term, abortion is your only option. However, you need to determine how far along you are to know which abortion procedure is available to you. Before deciding which option

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